Saturday, December 02, 2006

Hypoglycemia - Low Blood Sugar

Hyperglycemmia, low blood suagar is also called insulin reaction. Hypoglycemia happens slowly when a diabetic eats too little food, gets too much exercise or takes to much insulin or oral mediation.

The symptoms:

The symptoms of hypoglycemia are lightheadedness, hunger, a fast pulse, pale skin, numbness or tingling of the mouth, nausea, headache, impaired speech, vision, or gait.

Treating Hypoglycemia:

You should treat low blood sugar as soon as possible, test your blood glucose. A fast acting sugar (4 ounces of sof drink or fruit juice, 2 teaspoons of homney or syrup. You may need to give glucose gel or glucagon. Someone should always stay with the diabetic.

If meal time is more than one hour away, give protein and complex carbohydrate snacks. Such examples are: cheese and crackers or skim milk.

Make sure you document the times, what was given and the response of the diabetic.

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